Art & Inspiration
Art and Inspiration Cheshire. Design, animation & music from the artists we like.
There is beauty in the world we live in. Spread Love and Stay True!
Our Inspiration filters through to our work with artists like John Lyons [website-design] and Musicians like Rex Leon [website-design] – Food connoisseurs like SaSauces and Walkers Nonsuch [Social Media] – Fashion Gurus like Bench and Roco clothing – Innovators like Green Planet Vehicles and KaiGami. Our work helps our customers shout and tell their stories how they want them to be told. What a job – the best job in the world.

Art and Inspiration Cheshire
Hello, I am Cyril Lyons, the creative director and owner of Freeside Media Ltd. I’m writing a little insert into my background and how my journey has led me to this place in time. I am a British-born French Trinidadian born and bred in North England. I constantly remind myself that I am privileged to have experienced the varied cultures I have been exposed to.
My mother’s French side was influential in a graphical sense, especially at the Super Cora supermarkets and their isles full of Bande Dessinée (Comic Books). I was hooked by the print style and detailed technical drawing of Hergé and the Adventure of Tintin, the super crazy dark comics of Christin Bilal and the original Valerian Comic books (Now on Netflix). My Father, John Lyons, a Painter and poet from Trinidad, surrounded us with ideas on how to view the world and its many art forms. I often think back to those times we took for granted as we (My brothers Edouard, Guillaume and Antoine) discovered the world around us. It was inevitable that we would all be creative somehow.
Leeds University
Later in life, I studied at Leeds Metropolitan University, where I acquired a Desmond Tu Tu – A 2/2 in Graphic Arts and Design, which was not an exciting result. Still, nevertheless, I discovered that being creative is a fantastic attribute we all possess, and how we use it will ultimately define us.
At university, I was exposed to various forms of media, such as music, film, print, animation, sports, food, and culture. These interests consumed me as I tried to figure out my goals. After that, I released music on our small independent record label Rainy City Records (Manchester) for a few years, but realised I needed to focus. I started my design career with a loan from the Prince’s Trust, purchased my first Apple Mac computer with the money, and never looked back.
I owe so much to my parents and how they raised me. Every creative body of work and image you see on this website is in their memory. So, welcome to my life as I stand, and if you are looking for inspiration or friendship, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Cyril Lyons
Creative Director