Freesound Music Bandcamp Branding

A Bandcamp page concept for Freesound music

Ok, Its a Hobby of Mine!

Who doesn’t like fiddling around with music tec, drum machines and synthesisers, well, we do and have been since er, well, year dot I think. (I don’t want to reveal my age!) One thing making music is good for is that you can be as creative as you like when it comes to the creation of the artwork.

We have supported various musicians with artwork, helped build budget websites, setup Bandcamp pages produced Soundcloud banners and Mixcloud artwork. We like working with musicians because we also like to make music. The great thing about music is that it can be just about anything, a feeling or a moment in time captured in the emotion of the beats and melodies. Art also can be as free as you feel it should be and is why we enjoy making album covers.

Single page website concept for Freesound Music.

Freesound Music Website Design 2016